Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
Firstly..nk cakap..ngah boring skrang..huhu..em rsanya dah lama xupdate blog ni,dek keje n urusan study.,
maklumlah dah jadi student U balik,abis je cuti mid sem,dwajibkan mghadap
Haaa....kali ni nk post pe ek..hehe..
xd idea a,.em last clas pagi tadi xdpt attend coz xbrapa shat..
n mlam ni....insyaAllah,jaa akn bertolak balik ke kg tercinta...
rindu dah sgat2 ni..xsabar nak blik..tambah plak abah jaa xshat..baru je slamat menjalani operation..Alhamdullilah sgalanya berjalan lancar dan abah semakin sembuh..
Em jaa rsa jaa nak post saying lah,or in other word is quote..
1 benda yang korang x tau pasal jaa..jaa ske collect n kumpul quote taw..
coz quotes ni sgat2 mmbantu jaa in order to motivating...
jaa ske cari,bca,n brpegang padanya...
coz sometimes quotes ni bnyak describe jaa punya life..x semua but certain lah..
em jaa xnak ckap banyak..korang tgok jelah quote n saying kt bawah ni ye...tQ.wasalam.
" Sometimes life becomes too complicated and all you need is just to let it flow, because God still controls everything" (Wilson Kanadi)
" The truth is, everyone's gonna hurt you. You just have to find the ones worth suffering for." (Bob Marley)
" Sometimes its good to have a bad ending so you can learn from your mistakes in order for you to live happily even after" (Sir McMichael)
" There are two reasons why we don't trust people.FIRST:We don't know them.SECOND:We know them..!!"
" A smile is always the best form of introduction :) "
" You have a power to create your own happiness!!If you don't like something about your life, CHANGE IT!! Never settle for less than all you dream of.!! "
" I want to meet someone who is afraid to lose me"
" Promises mean everything, but after they are broken, sorry means nothing"
" If you don't want to tell me, that's fine, just don't lie to me"
" We kill people that kill people to show people that killing is wrong "
" If you want my respect, then show me you deserve it "
" you are not a bad person because you made a mistake, but you are bad person if you don't learn from that mistake "
" Never be afraid to try, remember..,Amateurs built the ark, Professionals built the Titanic "
" Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness "
" Advise is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't "